Restaurant management (m/f/d) full time
At this point, every company likes to write flowery job descriptions. Not us! Everyone who wants to apply for our advertised position knows the requirement profile for a restaurant manager.
We are the classic “eierlegende Wollmilchsau”. Our newly renovated house has a wonderful gastronomy with three different rooms, a rustic Poststüberl, a large terrace, three meeting rooms and a historic ballroom. We cook classic Bavarian dishes, creative interpretations as well as business lunch. In the evening business, we are increasingly focusing on really high-quality cuisine in order to make a name for ourselves in the gourmet segment in the medium term.
We don’t need a bourgeois who doesn’t know how to have fun, but someone who stays cool and happy even in the biggest chaos and knows how to make guests happy all around with style and charm.